
Scissors, paper, glue and imagination

I am a Midwestern born and bred collage artist. I’m originally from Indiana but spent my adulthood in the great metropolis of Chicago until a very recent move to just outside of the city. After receiving a Master’s of Arts in psychology, I’ve made a sharp and focused turn towards collage art. I use my educational background in psychology in much of my work. Through my hand-crafted images, I attempt to explore the multitude of powerful personal and political intersections between individuals’ interior and exterior lives. I’ve found in the last three years, after the birth of my son, that I have been gifted with a fresh and concentrated creative energy that I’ve never experienced before. That energy, the time in which to wield it and the loving support of my family have allowed me to push myself forward in my career as a visual artist.

Local & Larger Art Community Work

In March of 2019, I put on a solo exhibition and collage workshop at The WasteShed of Chicago, an art reuse and community center. In early 2020, I became a member of the online directory of womxn-identified artists, All She Makes. I was also a recipient of Repaint History's Art Fund in December of that same year. Most recently, I have shown several pieces in Hairpin Arts Center’s Glow Up event celebrating women/femme artists and a number of works at The Fulton Street Collective’s monthly shows. I am now a current artist member of The Fulton Street Collective and look forward to creating and sharing more work in future events there. In the fall of 2022, I started the Chicago Collage Community with a fellow collage artist. We strive to bring together collagists of all types throughout the metro and surrounding areas. We host monthly meetups and events to create new connections, new art and new opportunities for everyone interested in the wonderful medium of collage. Our Instagram handle is @chicagocollagecommunity, and we are currently working on crafting an opening/show for World Collage Day on May 13th, 2023.

Collage for me is a joyous, hands-on experience.

I am available for collaboration as well as commission.